Other Tracks By this Artist

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Max Essa : Won Ton Sunrise (12" Mix)
Max Essa : Won Ton Sunrise (Kim and Buran Sunseeker Remix)
Max Essa : Won Ton Sunrise (Easy M Remix)
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Max Essa : Asleep At The Wheel
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Max Essa : Won Ton Sunrise
Max Essa : Unstoppable
Max Essa : Cactus Time Frame
Max Essa : Take My Hand
Max Essa : Trust The Wind
Max Essa : Last Chance For Love
Max Essa : Stupid Smile
Max Essa : Fifth of The Eighth

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Max Essa
"Won Ton Sunset"

Dropping back in from its journey through the sky...

Max Essa has delivered the follow up album from his recent release 'Won Ton Sunrise'. Aptly named 'Won Ton Sunset' this album reuters the subtle sophistication that is the creativity of Mr Essa.
Opening up the orbital return you are introduced to 'Last Chance For Love (Sand Dune Mix)' which with its gentle rolling soul, cushions your being and begins your introduction into dusk. Next we have 'Coast To Coast (Heading East)' which lightens the dusky tones with blissed out pads and perky guitar riffs, you are already being drawn into the orange tones of warmth from this sunset. 'Stupid Smile (Sunset Party Dub)' gears you up for the party vibes that are the natural friend of the sunset, catchy vocals and bouncing melodies entice you into a more mobile style and tease that dance floor flow. The journey continues with 'Unstoppable (Extended Instrumental Mix)' which boasts the cosmic genius contrasted to a western twist, all the time maintaining the melodic bounce that Mr Essa does so smoothly.
'Asleep At The Wheel (Sunset Mix)' follows a similar repetoire to that of 'Unstoppable' with its filtered pad and vocal drifting through the mix, encompassing your ears with a style that is only found from Max. Brightening up the album, we have the new 12" mix of 'Won Ton Sunrise' adding some shine and glimmers of early morning party vibes, a great take on the orignal. Keeping it light and breezy, 'Life Times' rolls out some up beat, gittery synth lines that give you that livener you've been anticipatiing from the ever setting sun. Switching it up you now move back to the old school realms of 70s disco but with the cosmic twist, 'Cactus Time Frame (Jingumae Version)' gets you moving with a slight funk in your step and a groove in your shoulders.
Always keeping you on your toes, Max now drops the tempo down for 'Take My Hand (Sunset Mix)', getting into a more twisted element, this electro down-beat bops through the speakers with a hint of an arabian twist. 'Trust The Wind (Long Version)' then pushes the extended patterns and roles effortlessly through the mix and into the now fading sun. The music now begins to round down and the sun is nearly set, 'Back To Blue (Den-en- Toshi Narcolepsy Mix)' pulses out of the speakers and gives you a tweak of euphoric bliss with its contrasted pumping synths and shining pads. 'Fifth Of The Eighth (Extnd Version) now greets the sunset with open arms and gives the final blast of warmth and body to a cracking album and great follow up.

Written and Produced by Max Essa.
Published by Dharma Songs.
(P) & (C) 2013 Bearfunk

1. Last Chance For Love [Sand Dune Mix] Buy Track ( 0.75)
2. Coast To Coast (Heading East) Buy Track ( 0.75)
3. Stupid Smile [Sunset Party Dub] Buy Track ( 0.75)
4. Unstoppable [Extended Instrumental Mix] Buy Track ( 0.75)
5. Asleep At The Wheel [Sunset Mix] Buy Track ( 0.75)
6. Won Ton Sunrise [12] Buy Track ( 0.75)
7. Life Times Buy Track ( 0.75)
8. Cactus Time Frame [Jingumae Version] Buy Track ( 0.75)
9. Take My Hand [Sunset Mix] Buy Track ( 0.75)
10. Trust The Wind [Long Version] Buy Track ( 0.75)
11. Back To Blue [Den-en-Toshi Narcolepsy Mix] Buy Track ( 0.75)
12. Fifth Of The Eighth [Extended Version] Buy Track ( 0.75)
Buy All Tracks ( 6.36)

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