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"Let's Play Tennis"

Soiree are back with another slice synergy that only these devoted individuals could make.

Soiree are back with another slice synergy that only these devoted individuals could make. The Soiree sound is a gumbo of flavours bonded together with a "let's have fun" production ethos. Max Essa and Stevie Kotey created the Soiree project to write quirky yet funky songs which show their love of experimentation.
The work of Kotey has been injected into Bearfunk from its early conception in 2002 and in Max you will find a man at the top of his game with remixes and productions for a plethora of artists and labels. Their first LP Zim Zim Zah Zah had a more instrumental approach but there was one track called "Day to day life" which utilised Max's singer songwriter prowess so Stevie pushed max to sing a little more for this new work.
We open with "We Gotta Move It On" is an audacious attempt at recreating the summery vibes of Ibiza circa 1983. "Know The Love" is a full speed ahead disco song where Max let's his love know that he would do anything to be with her! "I'm Superman" shows the versatility that Soiree possess by infusing drum machines and guitar's that Rick Parfitt would be proud of too create an intense new wave number!
"Let's Play Tennis" The lead song is simply about playing one of Soiree's favourite past times, Max & Stevie actually met playing tennis Max helped Stevie with his serve and Stevie helped Max with his backhand, listen to the song and you know how it important this is.
"Eggs" is all about the deepness! Dark, mysterious violins courtesy of two players called Andrei & Bogdan from downtown Bucharest. Stevie gets his drum machine out again to add the spice. "Ramallah Calling" is the belly dancing disco that will knock you down with one punch! Stevie & Max recall a trip to the ancient city Ramallah where they took part in tennis festival in 1991.
"Walking On The Moon" yes Soiree has made a cover of the famous Police song. Listen to this masterpiece and feel the emotion, feel the love! They guys leave us with another version of "let's Play Tennis" which at this point should have to feeling all warm and satisfied. This LP is a must.

Written by Max Essa and Stevie Kotey. Published by Westbury Music.
Produced by Stevie Kotey for Discerning Ear.
All Guitars, Bass and Vocals Max Essa.
ARP 2600 by Max Essa and Stevie Kotey.
All percussion, drum programming, FX's and backing vocals by Stevie Kotey .
Violins on "Eggs," "Ramallah" and "We gotta move it on" by Andrei Dinescu & Bogdan Stoian.
Thanks to Future Nuggets, The Bearfunk family, Ion Dumitrescu and all our families.
(P) & (C) 2012 Bearfunk

1. We Gotta Move It On Buy Track ( 0.72)
2. Know The Love Buy Track ( 0.72)
3. I'm Superman Buy Track ( 0.72)
4. Let's Play Tennis [Full Backhand] Buy Track ( 0.72)
5. Eggs Buy Track ( 0.72)
6. Ramallah Calling Buy Track ( 0.72)
7. Walking On The Moon Buy Track ( 0.72)
8. Let's Play Tennis Buy Track ( 0.72)
Buy All Tracks ( 4.64)

Buy Physical CD (10.01 9.51)